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This collection of visual data maps is a part of an ongoing search for a new paradigm of inclusive systems. 

Design for Belonging via 
dome sine terra.

Carta Composite 4.png

Visual data mapping as a tool for the graphic presentation of evidence is a common tool utilised in data design and design research. Though it serves as a data collecting and organising tool, its primary purpose is to communicate data to external participants. The benefit of mapping as a visual method is that it allows for multiple visual layering and demonstrations of data changes and shifts throughout short or long-term periods

Mapping qualitative experiences can be an act of co-design or participatory practice and therefore present an opportunity for graphic developments of distinct visual languages. Working with visual data is not a practice exclusive to data designers, but rather presents a form of active reflection on circumstances, emotion, and knowledge that everyone can access and produce. 

Carta Composit 1.png
Carta Cmposite 3.png
Carta Composite 2.png
Cartas Campus Collect.png
Cartas Campus Area 1.png
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